Days Events:

Wx - no change. A sauna by any other name...

Marina - A quiet night, but wkend traffic increases and makes it choppy; made all 3 fenders into 'fender boards' and tighten spring lines to stop bouncing; we can still move with the tides but now maintaining contact on pilings so we don't 'bounce'.

Two photos show our homemade PVC fender-board and two regular fenders made to function as 'boards', if there weren't pilings and only the docks edge, the regular fenders would suffice.

Admirals Desk:

Heat index topped out at 104. πŸ•ΆπŸ•ΆπŸ•Ά It appears the trend is not going in the right direction.πŸ“ˆ The forecast for the next few days is even hotter.🌑🌑🌑 My interesting event of the day: As I leaned forward in the head🚽 a wave🌊 from a passing boat 🚀 nearly caused me to tumble πŸ™ƒ headfirst out the door!! Fortunately the small size of the room enabled a quick recovery.😁 The marina laundry is over 1/4mi. walk🚢🚢🚢away so I'm doing towels and sheets here. Takes forever but they come out clean and dry.

Decided to make scones. Actually, the Captain made the suggestion. I had some spare time πŸ•“on my hands πŸ–πŸ–while awaiting the arrival of happy hour. 🍺🍷 I decided to amuse myself choosing emoji while the scones were in the oven.😁😁

That's all for now! Unless I find more emoji.πŸ˜‹ Oops! πŸŒŠπŸ™ƒπŸš½ again!


Strainers - cleaned the generators early [0600] - full of twigs/debris, but no jellyfish, etc; the a/c one didn't have much. Degreasing - the port engine. Oils - still looks clean! Aft deck - washed away the 5000 dead flies/spider poop/fly poop/dirt accumulated since yesterday; they love a white surface. Dinghy - bailed out using a clear plastic tube as a siphon, followed by sponge; dried out the 'Dinghy Bag'; repositioned the PVC pipes being used to keep the tarp elevated.

Travel Plans - reviewed the tides and currents for Delaware City/Canal/River, and Bay; the navigation notes suggest arriving at the Delaware City Marina at slack tide so we can more easily pivot and point bow East; the tidal current can make pivoting in a narrow channel a challenge, so if we leave before 07:30, we should reach peak slack time there at 10:24 [27 mi.] easily.

That's all folks, please stay distancing and safe.


Ernie R - 26 Jul 2020: Rob, let’s try to beef up the photo department, your loyal followers waste valuable time going to websites tracking down referenced pictures that you could have taken that would have been more up to date!! As of today everything on boat appears to be working perfectly! Be safe.

Dd - 27 Jul 2020: I don’t know you guys deal with the heat! Also can I have Your scone recipe?